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Friday, November 21, 2008

Growth Update!

It totally slipped my mind to post this last week, but the girls had a joint checkup last Wednesday; Zoe for her three year checkup, and Ruthie for her nine month checkup!  It's amazing how time has flown with two kids, I thought it would slow down, but in all honesty, it's sped up.  And I'm SO glad that they did NOT get any shots, what a relief that was.  Anyway, Zoe first.

Zoe Elizabeth at (almost) three years:
Height: 37.5 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 34 pounds (75th to 90th percentile)

Now I honestly don't know if it's because I'm just short or other kids are shorter, but I've honestly not met a child as large as Zoe at her age.  For example, the only other girl child I'm around constantly is my future sister in law's daughter Cirena, but Cirena is almost four.  She's not that much taller, if not shorter than Zoe, and is a wispy little thing.  So are most kids under the average for their weight and gender, or is Zoe really just average and I never really noticed before because they weren't my kids?  Zoe is a solid and sturdy little kid, even if she does trip alot.  But like our friend Cooper said one day when he came over, "When does she start school again?"  Uh, not for another three years Cooper.

Ruthe Edith at (a tad over) nine months:
Height: 27.75 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 17 pounds, 11 ounces (25th to 50th percentile)

Well, this is when the comparision starts between the girls.  I honestly don't remember Zoe's weight all too well at nine months, but I'm pretty sure she was at least 29 inches.  Zoe was a longer baby, but when I put her old 18 month old pants on Ruthie (Zoe wore them at a year) there was less drag on the pants when Ruthie wears them, so her length must be in her legs, but Zoe's must be in the torso, something she got from Jeff's side of the family; since most of my height -what I have of it- is in my legs.  Ruthie didn't gain much weight from her last appointment, but since her last appointment, she's learned how to crawl; which would indicate toning of muscles and lost of some fat.  She's still chubby, and does have rolls in her legs and arms; however she does NOT have anywhere near the ammount of rolls that Zoe had.  The doctor didn't worry about it all, he said it's quite normal.

Anyway, speaking of three year olds, we're having Zoe's birthday party tomorrow!  I'm so excited.  We're having the party here at our apartment, and because of that, we're just keeping it in the family this year, even then, I'm not sure how well our apartment can hold roughly 18 people.. but we'll manage!  Instead of buying or making invitations to mail out though, I just sent an email.  Here's what the invitation looks like:

Obvously, our address isn't included.  I had the foresight to realize I'd most likely be posting it here to share, and I don't want my address publicly floating over the internet.  The rest of the email had our address, directions on how to find our apartment and even a small map!

And because I know you're wondering, that's a sticker of the earth on her nose.

1 comment:

Butler Family said...

Wish we could be there for her party. But if all works out then next year this time we might be in Utah for 3 years going to th U of U so we might just be there to help celebrate her birthday with you guys. I miss you all tons and your girls are just getting so BIG!!! I Can't believe Ruthie is already 9 months. Time just flies that is for sure. I still can't believe Gordon will be 2 in January. Anyways. We love you and miss you all:)